Table of Contents

Installing Aircrack-ng from Source

Legacy information can be found here.



Windows (Cygwin)


Install the following via Homebrew (brew):

FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Solaris

Install the following via pkg:

Optional stuff

Compiling and installing


Current version

 tar -zxvf aircrack-ng-1.7.tar.gz
 cd aircrack-ng-1.7
 autoreconf -i
 ./configure --with-experimental
 make install

Compiling with AirPcap support (cygwin only)

  1. Copy 'developer' directory from the AirPcap CD at the same level as 'Aircrack-ng' directory
  2. Append '- -with-airpcap=../developer' parameter to configure:

Compiling on *BSD

Commands are exactly the same as Linux but instead of make, use gmake (with CC=gcc5 CXX=g++5 or any more recent gcc version installed).

Compiling on MacOS

Commands are exactly the same as Linux

Latest Git (development) Sources

Note: Compilation parameters can also be used with the sources from our git repository.

git clone
cd aircrack-ng
autoreconf -i
./configure --with-experimental
make install

./configure flags

When configuring, the following flags can be used and combined to adjust the suite to your choosing:

Troubleshooting Tips

error while loading shared libraries:

Run ldconfig as root or with “sudo” to solve the issue.

"command not found" error message

After you do “make install” then try to use any of the Aircrack-ng suite commands, you get the error message “command not found” or similar. Your system will look for the Aircrack-ng commands in the directories defined by the PATH command.

Normally, the Aircrack-ng suite programs and man pages are placed in:


On your system, to determine which directories have the Aircrack-ng programs enter the following. If using “locate” be sure to first run “updatedb”.

 locate aircrack-ng
 locate airmon-ng


 find / -name aircrack-ng
 find / -name airmon-ng

Once you know the directories (exclude the source directories) then determine which directories are in your PATH. To see which directories are included in PATH on your particular system enter:

 echo $PATH

It should show something like:


At this point compare the actual locations with the directories in your PATH. If the directories are missing from your PATH then you have a few options:

Installing pre-compiled binaries


With the exception of Linux penetration testing distributions, packages are usually out of date (MacOS is the exception). In this case, uninstalling the package and installing from sources is the recommended way to go.

On MacOS, install it is via Macports or brew. Simply do “brew install aircrack-ng” or “sudo port install aircrack-ng”


The Windows version of the Aircrack-ng suite does not have an install program. You must manually install (unzipping archive) the software.

Here are the steps to follow for Windows:

Prior to using the software, make sure to install the drivers for your particular wireless card. See this link for the instructions. We currently only support Airpcap; other adapters may be supported but require development of your own DLL so the different tools can interact with it.

To now use the Aircrack-ng suite, start Windows Explorer and double click on Aircrack-ng GUI.exe inside “bin” subdirectory. The GUI requires .NET version 4.6.1 to run.

Alternatively, open a command prompt (Start menu → Execute → cmd.exe) and change to the “C:\aircrack-ng-1.6-win\bin” directory and execute the individual commands.

Important notes: